Online yoga classes, homemade bakery and pastry, great beginnings of running, reading, tidying up the dressing room, the library or the kitchen drawers, ... Quarantine has sometimes taken those of us forced to stay home on paths they never imagined to travel anytime soon.

This mandatory stop has also been a source of creativity for many creatives, photographers, designers, artists, ... who have transformed this unprecedented and often problematic situation for their sources of income by reinventing themselves. This is the case of Alice Jacquemin : she developed a dedicated photographic project during lockdown and chose to include my jewelry in it. I wanted to share her pictures with you.

"Going back to basics, focusing on everyday life, finding beauty in the usual.
Keeping on creating during this quarantine was the starting point of this project. I asked brands to send me their jewels and I interpreted them with what I found around me.
Keeping it simple, using the ray of sunshine which comes in at noon and leaves at 1 p.m., starting again the next day. " - Alice Jacquemin